OnePlan X Paris Olympics 2024

Plan To Succeed with Toby Roberts
OnePlan have teamed up with British athlete Toby Roberts who will be competing in Sport Climbing at the Paris Olympics in 2024. A first Olympic Games for Toby and OnePlan who have been named as a partner to the Organising Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games Paris 2024, which uses OnePlan’s Venue Twin and GIS Mapping software.
One aspect of OnePlan's innovative event planning for the Olympics includes software they have created a VenueTwin of Le Bourget, which will host the Sport Climbing event. The technology helps Toby visualise the Stadium and bring the experience to life. Toby’s approach to planning shares similarities with OnePlan, from his detailed preparation to mapping out the routes, every scenario is accounted for.
Our brief was to film and create a film that captured the partnership and similar planning to their routes to success at Paris 2024.
We filmed and edited a film to highlight the planning and similarities for both OnePlan and Toby in the journey towards their first Olympics.
We captured footage of Toby training for Paris, studying the VenueTwin on his computer, and delivering a narrative script highlighting his detailed planning and approach to Paris - all helped by the OnePlan event planning software.
With added motion graphics, we captured the intensity that comes with Toby's training and physical demands attached to the sport along with added dynamic footage and content from the OnePlan software designed specifically for the Olympics.